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[PHP]Count down to specific times on a specific day

I'm making an automatic countdown to an event that starts 2-3 times a day at different times.

The event starts every 7 hours, so one day there are 4 events and the other 3.


$monday    = array( '02:00', '09:00', '16:00', '23:00' );
$tuesday   = array( '06:00', '13:00', '20:00'          );
$wednesday = array( '03:00', '10:00', '17:00'          );
$thursday  = array( '00:00', '07:00', '14:00', '21:00' );
$friday    = array( '04:00', '11:00', '18:00'          );
$saturday  = array( '01:00', '08:00', '15:00', '22:00' );
$sunday    = array( '05:00', '12:00', '19:00'          );

How to make the countdown run to the next event?

Example: if it is Monday, 01:30, it should say 30min left

I already made the countdown part:

 $hours = floor($this->sec / 3600);
 $minutes = floor(($this->sec / 60) % 60);
 $seconds = $this->sec % 60;
 return "$hours" . ' hours ' . "$minutes" .  ' minutes ' . "$seconds" . ' seconds';

Update: I know that the PHP won´t update just on itself. I will refresh the page manually.


  • function days_hours_minutes_from_now($date)
      $now = time();
      $your_date = strtotime($date);
      $datediff = $your_date - $now;
      echo "days: " .floor($datediff/(60*60*24));
      echo " hours: " .floor($datediff/(60*60)) % 24; //hours
      echo " minutes: " .floor($datediff/(60)) % 60; //minutes
      echo " seconds: " .$datediff % 60; //seconds
    days_hours_minutes_from_now("2015-08-19 13:52:28");

    days: 1 hours: 0 minutes: 14 seconds: 56

    Hasn't been tested thoroughly, but should be close to what you're looking for.

    You need to compare the time against when the event starts to get a countdown.

    However, as RiggsFolly rightly pointed out, unless you do this in javascript, your countdown isn't going to update in the user's browser unless they refresh the page.


    Now, if you wanted to ensure you always returned the time remaining until the next event, then you can loop through a series of dates, sorted in ascending order, and return the first result where the day is a non-negative value. If any date exceeds the current date/time, day will equal -1