I have a service which returns id of the created file, and afterwards it increments the id to identify the next file. For acceptance tests we have different project, therefore when I run the test it only passes if it is the first time this service is called. Is there any workaround I can use to overcome this issue?
public void createFileServiceTest(){
int id = service.createFile("test.xml");
assertEquals(0, id);
Your test does not match your specification/verbal explanation of the service. So you should not look for a workaround but cleanly redesign the test (or the service, or both).
public void creatingAFileTwiceShouldYieldDifferentIDs(){
int id1 = service.createFile("test.xml");
int id2 = service.createFile("test.xml");
assertThat(id1, not(equalTo(id2)));
public void creatingFilesShouldYieldSuccessiveIDs(){
int id1 = service.createFile("test1.xml");
int id2 = service.createFile("test2.xml");
assertThat(id1+1, is(equalTo(id2)));
public void resetServiceShouldResetGetMaxId(){
assertThat(service.getMaxId(), is(equalTo(0)));
public void getMaxIdShouldYieldLatestId(){
int id = service.createFile("test.xml");
int newMaxId = service.getMaxId();
assertThat(id, is(equalTo(newMaxId)));
public void creatingFilesShouldYieldSuccessiveIDs(){
int oldMaxId = service.getMaxId();
int id = service.createFile("test.xml");
assertThat(oldMaxId+1, is(equalTo(id)));
Of course, if you have concurrent access to the service, you should guarantee atomicity of your tests, or weaken your checks from (a+1==b)
to (a<b)