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Alamofire requests are slow

I'm using Alamofire in my project, my problem is requests takes a long while to load (10 seconds at least), is there a way to speed it up? That's one of the requests I'm handling

override func viewDidLoad() {
    Alamofire.request(.GET, TripsEndPointURL, parameters: nil)
        .responseJSON { (request, response, JSONData, error) in
            if (error != nil) {
                NSLog("Error: \(error)")
            else {
                TripsTableList = JSON(JSONData!)


  • You're using Alamofire correctly. I'd imagine this is a problem with the server, or your connection. Try replacing the endpoint URL with the url of any small image, from a different server, just to experiment with downloading it. If it's still slow, it's your connection. If it's faster, it's the server.