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How to set up a GET-Response in Groovy using HTTPBuilder

I have several issues stored in my YouTrack Server and I would like to extract those issues and pack the information in Strings.

I already worked with the RESTClient, however I got bad output and thus want to try a different way to extract the issues using HttpBuilder and formatting the xml response in JSON. However I don't know yet, how to do that in Groovy (probably because I lack a complete, running example):

Going by this website and this

I would expect my code to look something like this:

def http = new HTTPBuilder('')

AuthenticateMe() // I need that, otherwise I cannot access my server

http.get( path : 'MyIssue-25',
          contentType : JSON,
          query : [???'] ) { resp, reader ->
        // This gap has to be filled somehow,        
        // so that I have a JSONObject or JSONArray, I can work with. 
      println 'Response data: -----'
      System.out << reader
      println '\n--------------------'
    String str; // this is the important String containing the data

Any constructive advice, answer or comment is appreciated.

The response then will look like this:

  <comment created="1277899067543" text="is it something wrong?" author="root"/>
  <field name="numberInProject"><value>0</value></field>
  <field name="summary"><value>susjs</value></field>
  <field name="priority"><value>1</value></field>
  <field name="description"><value>at at line 12</value></field>
  <field name="created"><value>1277392628191</value></field>
  <field name="updated"><value>1277399118476</value></field>
  <field name="reporterName"><value>root</value></field>
  <field name="updaterName"><value>root</value></field>
  <field name="state"><value>Submitted</value></field>
  <field name="subsystem"><value>No subsystem</value></field>
  <field name="fixedInBuild"><value>Next build</value></field>
  <field name="permittedGroup"><value>All Users</value></field>


  • To achieve your goal you can use a follow approach to work with json:

    def http = new HTTPBuilder('')
    http.get(   path : '/MyIssue-25',
                contentType : 'application/json'
            ) { resp, reader ->
            // inside reader you've your json object in `net.sf.json.JSONObject` instance
            println reader

    Take in account that query parameter of get() method it's optional, this parameter is used for query approach urls like, for this case the query parameter will be query : [ q : 'asd' ].

    So returning to the code, in the reader object you've an instance of net.sf.json.JSONObject to work with, take a look at its API.

    To show a little example I've a server at http://localhost/index.json which returns the follow json { "a":"a", "b": { "b1":"b1", "b2":"b2" }, "c":"c" } to work with I use the follow code:

    def http = new HTTPBuilder('http://localhost')
    http.get(   path : '/index.json',
                contentType : 'application/json'
            ) { resp, reader ->
            // cast the object it's not necessary... I cast it 
            // to have the method suggestions by IDE
            net.sf.json.JSONObject read = reader
            println read.get("a") // prints "a"
            println read.get("b").get("b1") // prints "b1"
            // you can also use this approach 
            println read.a // prints "a"
            println read.b.b1 // prints "b1"
            println read.b // prints [b1:b1, b2:b2]


    I read again your questions, an seems for your description that you're trying to read the issues from YourTrack in a xml format. To do so the approach it's really similar to the json in this case the reader object is an instance of GPathResult take a look at the follow sample supposing that your response look like the one that you put in your question:

    http = new HTTPBuilder('')
    http.get(   path : '/MyIssue-25',
                contentType : 'application/xml'
            ) { resp, reader ->
            //  since your response is an xml now in reader you've GPathResult
            // and now some samples on how to work with the response:
            // get the text of each <field>
            def fields = reader.issue.field*.text();
            fields.each {
                print "$it " // prints 0 susjs 1 at at line 12 1277392628191 1277399118476 root root Submitted No subsystem Next build All Users numberInProject
            // another sample... get the name attribute value for the <field> elements
            def namesAttr = reader.issue.field*.@name
            namesAttr.each {
                print "$it " // prints numberInProject summary priority description created updated reporterName updaterName state subsystem fixedInBuild permittedGroup
            // find the <field> value for element which has attribute name="state"
            def field = reader.issue.'*'.findAll {
                it.@name == 'state'
            println field.text() // prints submitted

    Also in this YourTrack operation seems that there are two query parameters (project and max) to use it you can add the query parameter to the get() method, i.e: query : [ max : '15' ].

    Hope this helps,