I have definitions:
public interface FruitsRepository extends MongoRepository<Fruits, String>, FruitsRepositoryCustom {
public interface FruitsRepositoryCustom {
public class FruitsRepositoryImpl implements FruitsRepositoryCustom {
When I try to change the name of FruitsRepositoryImpl
to FruitsRepositoryXImpl
it is no recognized by spring and I am getting exception. What is the cause of this and how can I change the name of class that implements by custom interface?
The custom repository implementation name postfix is Impl
by default.
In order to change it to XImpl
you should change the repository-impl-postfix
attribute of the repositories
element. Something such as:
<repositories repository-impl-postfix="XImpl" base-package=...>
Or by using Java:
@EnableMongoRepositories(repositoryImplementationPostfix="Ximpl" basePackages=...)
However, note that changing the postfix name applies to all custom repositories.
See more at the reference documentation, namespace reference