This is bothering me for some time now. With same source file, same theme (almost) the thickness of text between MacVim and Textmate is different.
I have linked to the screenshot .. here. There are 3 editors in it. Leftmost is sublime v3, middle is MacVim and rightmost is TextMate. The objective is to compare the font thickness. MacVim & sublime text is much thicker whereas TextMate is slicker (and sophisticated .. personal choice :) ). All this is on Mac OS X Mavericks with retina display.
I hope u all see the differences in the screenshot.
Note: for MacVim, toggling the anti-alias option does make some difference but still nothing compared to TextMate.
This has to do with subpixel antialiasing. Textmate disables this for themes with dark backgrounds:
for MacVim subpixel antialiasing can be disabled with the terminal command:
defaults write org.vim.MacVim AppleFontSmoothing -int 0