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Collada file required components

Hey guys I've read through the collada documentation the best I can. I am converting a proprietary 3d format to collada and I am wondering what library are REQUIRED. Currently I have <library_geometries>

It's not importing into sketchup but it also doesn't tell me why the import failed. I'm not that surprised I suspect I need a scene at least.

It would at least be nice to know what the min I need to put in is so I can see how things are working so far.


  • These are the required libraries: 1) <asset>, <library_geometries>, <library_materials>, <library_effects>, <library_visual_scenes>, <scene>.

    And I explain why. First of all, you need an <asset> to define your unit under <unit> element if it is meter or millimeter, whatever. Other than that, you have to say your up axis for 3d coordinates under <up_axis>. It is also good practice to give other asset information like contributor or creation time.

    You have to define one <instance_visual_scene> under your <scene>. Without this information there will be no scene to show. And this instance has a reference for one <visual_scene> element, which is under <library_visual_scenes>. Visual scene has probably some child-nodes as <node> element, which has translation or rotation values to give the position of the geometry. Under <node>, there is a child element <instance_geometry>, which is combined with an <instance_material> through <bind_material>. <instance_geometry> has a reference for a <geometry> under <library_geometries>. And <instance_material> has a reference for a <material> under <library_materials>. <material> has a child element <instance_effect>. <instance_effect> has a reference for <effect> under <library_effects>.

    The order is for geometry like <scene> -> <instance_visual_scene> -> <visual_scene> -> <node> -> <instance_geometry> -> <geometry>

    And for material connection <instance_geometry> -> <bind_material> -> <instance_material> -> <material> -> <instance_effect> -> <effect>