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Using variable with Scope Resolution Operator in PHP

I am having a situation where, I have to use static method but here my class name is stored in some variable.

As per this link: I can not use variable with ::.

for reference my code looks like below and I am using Yii2 for this stuff:

$modelName = "User";

$query = $modelName::find();

Obviously it is giving me error, Link I have given is 10 years old from now so Just wanted to check if is there any alternative to this situation.


$query = AdminUser::find(); // Works Fine

$name = 'AdminUser';
$query = call_user_func("$name::find");
// Giving Below Error
call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class 'AdminUser' not found


  • You need to specify class name including namespace. See php docs about it. So your call should look like this:

    $name = __NAMESPACE__ . '\AdminUser';
    $query = call_user_func("$name::find");

    Note that __NAMESPACE__ constant returns current namespace. So if your AdminUser class belongs different namespace you need to specify it. E.g.:

    //your current namespace:
    namespace app\controllers;
    //and somewhere in your method:
    $name = 'common\models\AdminUser';
    $query = call_user_func("$name::find");