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Google Maps SDK iOS - Calculate radius according zoom Level

I need calculate radius to show markers on the map according camera zoom level. Right now I've got southWestCorner and my location that is center of my MapView. I need zoom out and calculate new radius when zoom changed.

Does anyone know how to get it from data I have?

My code is here:

func mapView(mapView: GMSMapView!, idleAtCameraPosition position: GMSCameraPosition!) {

        println("latitude: \( longtitude: \(")

        var visibleRegion = mapView.projection.visibleRegion()
        var cameraZoom =
        var bounds = GMSCoordinateBounds(region: visibleRegion)
        var southWestCorner = bounds.southWest



  • Ok, I have found good answer for my question. Maybe it could be helpful to anyone else. according this article

    To get radius should use next example (all functions translated to swift):

    // calculate radius
        func getCenterCoordinate() -> CLLocationCoordinate2D {
            var centerPoint =
            var centerCoordinate = self.mapView.projection.coordinateForPoint(centerPoint)
            return centerCoordinate
        func getTopCenterCoordinate() -> CLLocationCoordinate2D {
            // to get coordinate from CGPoint of your map
            var topCenterCoor = self.mapView.convertPoint(CGPointMake(self.mapView.frame.size.width / 2.0, 0), fromView: self.mapView)
            var point = self.mapView.projection.coordinateForPoint(topCenterCoor)
            return point
        func getRadius() -> CLLocationDistance {
            var centerCoordinate = getCenterCoordinate()
            // init center location from center coordinate
            var centerLocation = CLLocation(latitude: centerCoordinate.latitude, longitude: centerCoordinate.longitude)
            var topCenterCoordinate = self.getTopCenterCoordinate()
            var topCenterLocation = CLLocation(latitude: topCenterCoordinate.latitude, longitude: topCenterCoordinate.longitude)
            var radius = CLLocationDistance(centerLocation.distanceFromLocation(topCenterLocation))
            return round(radius)