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SimpleXML Parse Children With Same Name and Attributes

I can't figure out how to parse an xml file like this using simpleXML.

    <movie cast="some,actors" description="Nice Movie">Pacific Rim</movie>
    <movie cast="other,actors" description="Awesome Movie">Atlantic Rim</movie>

Expected output am looking at is something like

Pacific Rim [cast="some,actors"],[description="Nice Movie"]
Atlantic Rim [cast="other,actors"],[description="Awesome Movie"]

I have tried

$xml=new SimpleXMLElement($xml_string);
foreach($xml->movies as $movie)
  echo $movie->cast." ".$movie->description;



  • <?php
    $xml_string = '<root>
        <movie cast="some,actors" description="Nice Movie">Pacific Rim</movie>
        <movie cast="other,actors" description="Awesome Movie">Atlantic Rim</movie>
    /* Expected result: */
    /* Pacific Rim [cast="some,actors"],[description="Nice Movie"] */
    /* Atlantic Rim [cast="other,actors"],[description="Awesome Movie"] */
    $xml = simplexml_load_string($xml_string);
    foreach($xml->movies->movie as $movie)
        $name = (string) $movie;
        $attributes = $movie->attributes();
        print $name.' '.'[cast="'.$attributes['cast'].

    In addition, you can access attributes directly with this syntax (without calling attributes()):

    print $movie["cast"] . " " . $movie["description"];