Search code examples

What is the lang function in SPARQL?

Among the SPARQL Query Examples, there is a query for US presidents and spouses:

PREFIX wd: <> 
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX v: <>

SELECT ?p ?w ?l ?wl WHERE {
  wd:Q30 p:P6/v:P6 ?p .
  ?p wdt:P26 ?w .
    ?p rdfs:label ?l filter (lang(?l) = "en") . 
    ?w rdfs:label ?wl filter (lang(?wl) = "en"). 

It contains function-like syntax, lang(?l), which is intended to filter by language.

How does this work? Is this a special function of Blazegraph? Or are different languages stored as normal values in RDF graphs?

How can I store data this way, so that it will be retrieved with the lang function correctly?

May I have my own function to have ND predicates, like probability(?a) > 0.8?


  • lang is a native SPARQL operator (see the standard) which returns the language tag of an RDF literal (e.g. the EN in ?p foaf:name "Robert"@EN.).

    Some SPARQL engines support the ability to implement custom functions. See for example this tutorial for Sesame and this for Blazegraph.