I was wondering if it is possible to Repeat and Reset a loop. I'm using TweenLite to create a slide animation of 3 images. Each with a delay of 3 second between them.
After 6 seconds I want this loop to repeat itself so I have a slideshow. Any suggestions because so far I have ended up with endless loops causing it to crash.
var clips:Array = [image, image2, image3];
var i = 0;
while ( i < 4) {
var timer = i;
TweenLite.to(clips[i], 6, {x:300, ease:Linear.easeNone,delay:timer*3});
Loops will run as fast as the program can, synchronously, locking the thread until completed. That means that anything time based, should not be in a loop (as loops have no concept of time)
I would suggest using the complete
callback built into TweenLite.
//create a var to store which item is current
var curIndex:int = 0;
//animate the current item
function next(delay:Number = 0):void {
//when the tween is complete, call the 'tweenComplete` function and pass the curIndex as a parameter
TweenLite.to(clips[curIndex], 2, {x: 300, ease:Linear.easeNone, onComplete: tweenComplete, onCompleteParams: [curIndex], delay: delay);
//increment the current index, reset to 0 if out of range
if(curIndex >= clips.length){
curIndex = 0;
function tweenComplete(index){
next(); //animate the next item
//get the previous item and reset it's x position (now that this new item is in place)
//if index was 0, get the highest index instead
if(index < 0) index = clips.length - 1;
clips[index].x = -300; //whatever your default x value is.