I am making an app in Swift which has a countdown timer that has to display minutes and seconds on 5 labels, to be exact, this is the formation:
[9][9][9] : [5][9]
// 999:59
So, in a principle which old odometers in cars used to count mileage, or one of those old flipping number clocks.
I will be using labels just as a testing model, later they will be replaced by image sets but I need the logic for the number display.
I managed to make a simple countdown using NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(1.0...)
and a separate function where I subtract one number from the total number which is written or declared. i.e.
var initialTime:Int = 60
var timerSeconds = NSTimer()
func timerTick() {
timerSeconds = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(1.0, target: self, selector: "startCount", userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
func startCount() {
And displaying the total time is no issue, but to separate the total time into minutes and seconds, AND to separate those two into 3 labels for minutes and 2 for seconds...I've been trying for hours and I can't think of anything. I am relatively new to swift so pardon if I missed out something. Thanks!
This isn't specific to Swift. Using the timer correctly is a Foundation classes question.
Calculating the different digits is basic computer math.
Don't decrement a counter each time your timer fires. Timers sometimes "miss" (fail to get called) if your app gets busy.
Instead, record the NSDate.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate() + secondsToCompletion
when you start the timer.
let finishedInterval =
NSDate.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate() + secondsToCompletion
Then each time the timer fires, calculate the new remaining seconds and use that for your math:
let remainingSeconds = Int(round(finishedInterval -
//Then do math on the time to get your digits:
let secondsOnesPlace = remainingSeconds % 10
let secondsTensPlace = (remainingSeconds % 60) / 10
let remainingMinutes = remainingSeconds / 60
let remainingMinutesOncePlace = remainingMinutes % 10
let remainingMinutesTensPlace = (remainingMinutes / 10) % 10
let remainingMinutesHundredsPlace = (remainingMinutes / 100) % 10
Then use all the "...place" values to set your label digits/images.