I am trying to create amcharts
bar charts. I have the following json which is getting from json:
{ "option": "Czech Republic", "percentage": 156.90,"color":"#2175d9"},
{ "option": "Ireland", "percentage": 131.10,"color":"#ff9900"},
{ "option": "Germany", "percentage": 115.80,"color":"#448800"},
{ "option": "Australia", "percentage": 109.90,"color":"#2175d9"},
{ "option": "Austria", "percentage": 108.30,"color":"#2175d9"},
{ "option": "UK", "percentage": 99.00,"color":"#2175d9"}
I am calling ajax as follows:
var qstnId = $("div[name='pollqstn']").attr("id");
//Ajax to load all poll results
$.post("fetchpollresult.php", {qstnid: qstnId}, function (data) {
My fetchpollresult.php page looks like this:
$questionid = $_REQUEST['qstnid'];
$arranstext = array();
$arranscount = array();
$arranscolours = array("#2175d9","#448800","#448800","#ff9900");
//find qstn text
$pollqstndetails = $DB->get_records('epoll_questions', array('id' => $questionid));
$optiondetails = $DB->get_records('epoll_answers', array('questionid' => $questionid));
foreach($optiondetails as $optval){
$optionresponseCount = $DB->get_records('epoll_responses', array('answerid' => $optval->id,'questionid'=>$questionid));
$countOptresponse = count($optionresponseCount);
array_push($arranstext ,$optval->answertext);
array_push($arranscount ,count($optionresponseCount));
$data =array();
$data[] = array('option' =>$arranstext[$i],'percentage'=>$arranscount[$i],'color'=>$arranscolours[$i]) ;
$optionnoresponseCount = $DB->get_records('epoll_responses', array('answerid' => 0,'questionid'=>$questionid));
$data[] = array('option' =>"NA",'percentage'=>count($optionnoresponseCount),'color'=>"#ff9900") ;
echo json_encode($data);
I am getting response as:
{ "option": "Czech Republic", "percentage": 156.90,"color":"#2175d9"},
{ "option": "Ireland", "percentage": 131.10,"color":"#ff9900"},
{ "option": "Germany", "percentage": 115.80,"color":"#448800"},
{ "option": "Australia", "percentage": 109.90,"color":"#2175d9"},
{ "option": "Austria", "percentage": 108.30,"color":"#2175d9"},
{ "option": "UK", "percentage": 99.00,"color":"#2175d9"}
Than I have a function calling in ajax response:
function drawStuff(val){
chart = new AmCharts.AmSerialChart();
chartData =val; //assigning ajax response
chart.dataProvider = chartData;
chart.categoryField = "option";
chart.startDuration = 3;
chart.sequencedAnimation = false;
var valueAxis = new AmCharts.ValueAxis();
valueAxis.axisAlpha = 0.15;
valueAxis.minimum = 0;
valueAxis.dashLength = 3;
var graph = new AmCharts.AmGraph();
graph.type = "column";
graph.colorField = "color"
graph.valueField = "percentage";
graph.fillAlphas = 0.6;
graph.balloonText = "[[value]] litres of beer per year";
But in this case it is not working. When I hard code it on the same page it works fine.
What I understand is this:
var chartData =
{ "option": "Czech Republic", "percentage": 156.90,"color":"#2175d9"},
{ "option": "Ireland", "percentage": 131.10,"color":"#ff9900"},
{ "option": "Germany", "percentage": 115.80,"color":"#448800"},
{ "option": "Australia", "percentage": 109.90,"color":"#2175d9"},
{ "option": "Austria", "percentage": 108.30,"color":"#2175d9"},
{ "option": "UK", "percentage": 99.00,"color":"#2175d9"}
I need to parseFloat
the json percentage values.
How can I parseFloat only percentage pair such as 156.90,131.10.... from that json and pass as chartData??
I am getting am chart as follows:
There are a few reasons why the chart does not show up.
1) You're not specifying content type for jQuery's AJAX call. This way you get a plain text response which is not converted to array. It's the fourth's parameter in $.post()
$.post("fetchpollresult.php", {qstnid: qstnId}, function (data) {
}, "json");
2) Simple typo. You have "options" for categoryField
in chart code, while "option" (singular) in data.
Just change the categoryField
chart.categoryField = "option";
3) You are assigning chart object in an unitianalized variable. This might confuse some older browsers. Simply add var
before assignation to initialize chart variable:
var chart = new AmCharts.AmSerialChart();
Here's the full code:
$( "#viewResult" ).click( function() {
$( "#chart" ).show();
var qstnId = $( "div[name='pollqstn']" ).attr( "id" );
//Ajax to load all poll results
$.post( "fetchpollresult.php", {
qstnid: qstnId
}, function( data ) {
drawStuff( data );
}, "json" );
} );
function drawStuff( chartData ) {
var chart = new AmCharts.AmSerialChart();
chart.dataProvider = chartData;
chart.categoryField = "option";
chart.startDuration = 3;
chart.sequencedAnimation = false;
var valueAxis = new AmCharts.ValueAxis();
valueAxis.axisAlpha = 0.15;
valueAxis.minimum = 0;
valueAxis.dashLength = 3;
chart.addValueAxis( valueAxis );
var graph = new AmCharts.AmGraph();
graph.type = "column";
graph.colorField = "color"
graph.valueField = "percentage";
graph.fillAlphas = 0.6;
graph.balloonText = "[[value]] litres of beer per year";
chart.addGraph( graph );
chart.write( "chart" );