I was trying to setup a unit test for a private inner class, but had very little success:
namespace Stats.Model
public class DailyStat
private class DailyStatKey // The one to test
private DateTime date;
public DateTime Date
get { return date; }
set { date = value.Date; }
public StatType Type { get; set; }
public override int GetHashCode()
return Date.Year * 1000000 +
Date.Month * 10000 +
Date.Day * 100 +
public override bool Equals(object obj)
DailyStatKey otherKey = obj as DailyStatKey;
if (otherKey == null)
return false;
return (this.Date == otherKey.Date && this.StatType == otherKey.StatType);
I tried this code:
PrivateType statKeyType = new PrivateType("Stats.Model", "Stats.Model.DailyStat.DailyStatKey");
as well as
PrivateType statKeyType = new PrivateType("Stats.Model", "DailyStat.DailyStatKey");
To no avail.
The assembly's name is "Stats.Model", and to me the type name looks correct too, but I just get an exception: "System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type"
So what am I doing wrong ?
PrivateType, to the best of my knowledge, is reflection based, and I'd guess it's pretty much intended for this scenario, as you cannot have a private class directly beneath a namespace.
Added full implementation of DailyStatKey. What I want to test is the uniqueness of my GetHashCode method. As you can see I try to fit a date + type into a single int.
Found a solution myself:
var parentType = typeof(DailyStat);
var keyType = parentType.GetNestedType("DailyKeyStat", BindingFlags.NonPublic);
//edited to use GetNestedType instead of just NestedType
var privateKeyInstance = new PrivateObject(Activator.CreateInstance(keyType, true));
privateKeyInstance.SetProperty("Date", DateTime.Now);
privateKeyInstance.SetProperty("Type", StatType.Foo);
var hashCode = (int)privateKeyInstance.Invoke("GetHashCode", null);