My client does not want date of birth input with three separate UIPickerView thus I may need to create three picker view and input value into it. For Birth Date and Month is no problem as adding like that
pickerArray = @[@"1", @"2", @"3", @"4", @"5", @"6", @"7", @"8", @"9", @"10",
@"11", @"12", @"13", @"14", @"15", @"16", @"17", @"18", @"19", @"20",
@"21", @"22", @"23", @"24", @"25", @"26", @"27", @"28", @"29", @"30", @"31"];
But for Birth Year, I don't need to spend my time to manually add year value into UIPickerView. I want to set "start year" and "end year" into loop and add these into UIPickerView. It can be feasible to do?
Just take a mutableArray
-(NSMutableArray *)arrayWithYear:(int)startDate andEnddate:(int)endDate {
NSMutableArray *yearArray = [NSMutableArray array];
for (int i=startDate; i<=endDate; i++) {
[yearArray addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%i",i]];
return yearArray;
And just call the function
NSArray *myYearArray = [self arrayWithYear:1975 andEnddate:2005]