I followed the documentation to migrate the data from Neo4j to OrientDB
out.graphml file has the label,type and property information. Snippet from the file below.
<node id="n259" labels=":FacebookUser:_FacebookUser"><data key="labels">:FacebookUser:_FacebookUser</data><data key="__type__">com.czen.social.model.FacebookUser</data><data key="firstName">Test</data><data key="lastName">Name</data><data key="id">1000085</data></node>
<edge id="e1172175" source="n402940" target="n5457" label="KNOWS"><data key="label">KNOWS</data><data key="__type__">com.czen.social.model.Relationship</data><data key="hired">true</data><data key="hiredTlm">Tue Apr 21 05:16:36 EDT 2015</data><data key="weight">35</data></edge>
After getting the graphml, I tried importing it to OrientDB
orientdb {db=test}> IMPORT DATABASE /tmp/out.graphml Importing GRAPHML database from DATABASE /tmp/out.graphml... Transaction 14 has been committed in 0ms orientdb {db=test}> classes CLASSES ----------------------------------------------+------------------------------------+------------+----------------+ NAME | SUPERCLASS | CLUSTERS | RECORDS | ----------------------------------------------+------------------------------------+------------+----------------+ E | | 10 | 0 | FacebookUser | V | 11 | 2190 | KNOWS | E | 14 | 171 |
We get to see the classname for FacebookUser but when we look at its info it doesn't list any property.
orientdb {db=test}> info class FacebookUser Class................: FacebookUser Super class..........: V Default cluster......: facebookuser (id=11) Supported cluster ids: [11] Cluster selection....: round-robin
Is there anything that I am missing while importing it to OrientDB?
With the new 2.1 snapshot from https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/com/orientechnologies/orientdb-community/ this issue was resolved. I had to replace field id with uid as otherwise it was getting ignored wasn't shown in the class info. Thanks Luca for providing the snapshot with the fix.