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Proxy pdf from s3 and render it out inline

I am using dragonfly to handle my attachments and s3 to store the assets.

I know i can serve directly from s3 but my client has locked down internet access so cant access them. So what i need to do is proxy the images through my domain.

data = open(@training_doc.upload.remote_url).read
send_data data, :filename =>

Thats what I have but it doesn't allow me to render it inline (in the tab its self) rather it downloads it which isn't ideal.

I know i can do this to render it inline but this isn't proxied

    redirect_to @training_doc.upload.remote_url(:expires => 2.hours.from_now, :query => {'response-content-disposition' => 'inline'})

I know in rails you can use send_file but that only works when you have it in the normal file system

Is their any other ways/ way to achieve this?


  • The send_data method has a disposition option that can be set to inline:

    data = open(@training_doc.upload.remote_url).read
      :filename    =>,
      :type        => 'application/pdf',
      :disposition => 'inline'