I am creating a decision tree using rpart in R. I can also print out the rules generated by the decision tree using the path.rpart() function.
For the airquality data , i have the output of rules as
[1] "root" "Temp< 82.5" "Wind>=7.15" "Solar.R< 79.5"
[1] "root" "Temp< 82.5" "Wind>=7.15" "Solar.R>=79.5"
[5] "Temp< 77.5"
[1] "root" "Temp< 82.5" "Wind>=7.15" "Solar.R>=79.5"
5] "Temp>=77.5"
[1] "root" "Temp< 82.5" "Wind< 7.15"
and so on.
Is there a way i can write a code which puts these constraints on my initial table airquality to get the rows which follow these rules which would be equivalent to
airquality[which(airquality$Temp<82.5 & airquality$Wind>=7.15 & Solar.R<79.5)]
for the first rule.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
rules = rpart(airquality)
will you give you the split data frame without coding the rules. I am not sure if that is what you are looking for.