I need to strip street numbers from street name. I face the problem when there is no numerical part like Avenue ABC
or when street name starts with number like 10. Street 46
My regex right now is:
These are test strings:
St. Stephen 12
Avenue ABC
Avenue AB
10. Street 46
Result should looks like:
array = (0 => 'St. Stephen', 1 => '12')
array = (0 => 'Avenue', 1 => 'ABC')
array = (0 => 'Avenue', 1 => 'AB')
array = (0 => '10. Street', 1 => '46')
Live regex: http://www.phpliveregex.com/p/cil
You may use the below regex which produces two captures of one contains all the chars upot the last space where another group contain last word.