i want to set a main page or an index page for my app. i tried adding MAIN_PAGE in settings.py and then creating a main_page view returning a main_page object, but it doesn't work Also, i tries to add in the urls.py a declaration like
(r'^$', index),
where indexshould be the name of the index.html file on the root (but it obviously does not work)
What is the best way to set a main page in a Django website?
If you want to refer to a static page (not have it go through any dynamic processing), you can use the direct_to_template
view function from django.views.generic.simple
. In your URL conf:
from django.views.generic.simple import direct_to_template
urlpatterns += patterns("",
(r"^$", direct_to_template, {"template": "index.html"})
(Assuming index.html
is at the root of one of your template directories.)