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How do I attach a click event handler to null data points on HighMaps

I have already tried changing the data (null to some out of range number) and toying with colorAxis min and mas and color stops and while that works if it where a single map, it does not work for what I am doing.

I really need to be able to hang code on a click event.


$(function () {
    // Instantiate the map
    $('#container').highcharts('Map', {
        plotOptions: {
            map: {
                events: {
                    mouseOver: function (e) {
        chart : {
            borderWidth : 1
        title : {
            text : 'Nordic countries'
        subtitle : {
            text : 'Demo of drawing all areas in the map, only highlighting partial data'
        legend: {
            enabled: false
        colorAxis: {
            dataClasses: [{
                from: -100,
                to: 1,
                color: '#C40401',
                name: 'pseudonull(1s are the new null)'
        series : [{
            name: 'Country',
            mapData: Highcharts.maps['custom/europe'],
            data: [
                    code: 'DE',
                    value: 1
                }, {
                    code: 'IS',
                    value: 2
                }, {
                    code: 'NO',
                    value: 2
                }, {
                    code: 'SE',
                    value: 2
                }, {
                    code: 'FI',
                    value: 2
                }, {
                    code: 'DK',
                    value: 2
            joinBy: ['iso-a2', 'code'],
            dataLabels: {
                enabled: true,
                color: 'white',
                formatter: function () {
                    if (this.point.value > 1) {
                    } else if(this.point.value == 1) {
                        return 'this is "null"';
            tooltip: {
                headerFormat: '',
                pointFormat: '{}'


  • I am not very sure about what you try to achieve, but from my understanding, you want to attach click events to countries with NULL values.

    I have created this example here:

    Apparently, if a country has a NULL value, it won't be able to have click events, but what I've done is to simulate this behaviour so I went through these steps:

    Process your data and give all the null value the same particular value (France was null so I gave it the value of -999)

    {code: 'FR', value: -999}

    Show datalabels only for the countries that have a value and that values is different than -999

    formatter: function() {
        if (this.point.value && (this.point.value !== -999)) {

    Show tooltip only for the countries that have a value different than -999

    tooltip: {
        formatter: function() {
            if (this.point.value !== -999) {
                } else {
                    return false;

    Manually set the color same as the NULL color for all countries that have the value of -999

    colorAxis: {
        dataClasses: [{
            from: -100,
            to: 1,
            color: '#C40401',
            name: 'pseudonull(1s are the new null)'
        }, {
            from: -999,
            to: -999,
            color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
            name: 'No data'