I'm using AspectJ to advice all the public methods which do have an argument of a chosen class. I tried the following:
pointcut permissionCheckMethods(Session sess) :
(execution(public * *(.., Session)) && args(*, sess));
This is working wonderfully for methods with at least 2 arguments:
public void delete(Object item, Session currentSession);
but it does not work with methods like:
public List listAll(Session currentSession);
How may I change my pointcut to advice both methods executions? In other words: I expected the ".." wildcard to represent "zero or more arguments", but it looks like it means instead "one or more"...
Oh well... I worked that around with this nasty trick. Still waiting for someone to show up with an "official" pointcut definition.
pointcut permissionCheckMethods(EhealthSession eheSess) :
(execution(public * *(.., EhealthSession)) && args(*, eheSess))
&& !within(it.___.security.PermissionsCheck);
pointcut permissionCheckMethods2(EhealthSession eheSess) :
(execution(public * *(EhealthSession)) && args(eheSess))
&& !within(it.___.security.PermissionsCheck)
&& !within(it.___.app.impl.EhealthApplicationImpl);
before(EhealthSession eheSess) throws AuthorizationException : permissionCheckMethods(eheSess)
Signature sig = thisJoinPointStaticPart.getSignature();
check(eheSess, sig);
before(EhealthSession eheSess) throws AuthorizationException : permissionCheckMethods2(eheSess)
Signature sig = thisJoinPointStaticPart.getSignature();
check(eheSess, sig);