In Oozie, I have used Hive action in Hue, same action I used parameter options to supply date parameter. Here I want to provide dynamic date parameter such as yesterday date and day before yesterday. How can I generate those date? and how can I pass as parameter.
My HQL is :
select * from emptable
where day>=${fromdate} and day<=${todate}
My HiveServer Action contains: a. HQL script b. Two parameters options one for each dates like as fromdate = , todate = c. Added file option for HQL script.
What I tried: I created two separate shell scripts which returns date. One of Shell script is
#! /bin/bash
FROM_DAY=$(date +%Y-%m-%d -d " - 1 day")
echo "$FROM_DAY"
and hive action parameter become fromdate = /user/manishs/Oozie/
However this approach is not working and gives exceptions: Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: ParseException line 4:11 cannot recognize input near '/' 'user' '/' in expression specification (state=42000,code=40000)
If I pass a date as : fromdate ='2015-08-01' , it is working and give results.
My question is how can I pass a dynamic date in a hive server action as a parameter. OR Is any way to pass dynamic filter to a query.
Oozie is a scheduler, right? So why not use the built-in EL functions to compute "today" and "yesterday" and pass them to the Hive action?
In the Coordinator script, assuming that you are using Los Angeles time zone, it should look like...
<coordinator-app .......>
<value>${coord:formatTime(coord:dateTzOffset(coord:nominalTime(), "America/Los_Angeles"), 'yyyy-MM-dd')}</value>
<value>${coord:formatTime(coord:dateOffset(coord:dateTzOffset(coord:nominalTime(), "America/Los_Angeles"), -1, 'DAY'), 'yyyy-MM-dd')}</value>
Then in the Workflow script, use the <param>
element to pass the properties to Hive.
Reference: Oozie Coordinator documentation
6.7.3. coord:nominalTime() EL Function
6.7.4. coord:actualTime() EL Function
6.9.1. coord:dateOffset(String baseDate, int instance, String timeUnit) EL Function
6.9.2. coord:dateTzOffset(String baseDate, String timezone) EL Function
6.9.3. coord:formatTime(String ts, String format) EL Function
OK, probably you can't do that with Hue. But the Hue editor has so many limitations that you can't do much with it anyway.