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Mozilla Add-on SDK documentation download

Is there a way to download the documentation for the Add-on SDK?

In previous versions, you could type

cfx docs

to browse a local copy, yet cfx is deprecated and the docs option was removed even before that. seems like a way to go, but fails on nodejs 0.12.

Not working:

  • The last commit with the cfx docs command is 97d77223. The documentation is in markdown files in the repository, and thus, obsolete.

  • The Add-on SDK does not contain enough comments to generate the documentation from it. There is f.ex. no info about page-mod in its files in lib/sdk.

  • has a proposal to import, but it is in the middle of the proposals vote-wise.


  • The problem with the naive wget approach is the stylesheet, which has a URL with a ? and is probably not recognized by wget. To fix, after

    1. downloading all docs via

      wget --continue --adjust-extension --recursive --page-requisites --convert-links --level=inf --no-parent --wait=1 ''
    2. download the stylesheet manually

    3. rename

      mv mdn-min.css?build=0e7ce0f mdn-min.css
    4. copy to every sub-directory

      find . -type d -exec cp mdn-min.css {} \;
    5. and alter all files to use the local stylesheet:

      find . -type f -exec sed -i 's!https\:\/\/developer\.cdn\.mozilla\.net\/media\/css\/mdn-min.css!mdn-min.css!g' {} \;