how can I append (insert) 3 or 4 different values to an oracle type and then later open it up for a cursor.
For example (pseudo):
insert into mytype select 1 from dual;
insert into mytype select 3 from dual;
insert into mytype select 5 from dual;
open cursor_1 for select * from table(mytype);
Is this possible to do in pl/sql?
I know this is trivial and can be combined into one query but my real need is to have different queries and keep appending the results to mytype.
Assuming you mean you have a custom SQL type (presumably a nested table type), and a PL/SQL variable of that type: I don't believe you can INSERT
into it, and I don't think you can SELECT
into it in a way that would append to the collection.
You can select into a scalar variable, then append it to the collection procedurally.
SQL> create type mytype as table of integer;
2 /
Type created.
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> l
1 declare
2 mytable mytype := mytype();
3 cursor_1 sys_refcursor;
4 x integer;
5 procedure append_to_table( t IN OUT mytype, y IN INTEGER)
6 is
7 begin
8 t.extend();
9 t(t.COUNT) := y;
10 end append_to_table;
11 begin
12 select 1 into x from dual;
13 append_to_table( mytable, x );
14 select 3 into x from dual;
15 append_to_table( mytable, x );
16 select 5 into x from dual;
17 append_to_table( mytable, x );
18 open cursor_1 for select * from table(cast(mytable as mytype));
19 fetch cursor_1 into x;
20 dbms_output.put_line(x);
21 fetch cursor_1 into x;
22 dbms_output.put_line(x);
23 fetch cursor_1 into x;
24 dbms_output.put_line(x);
25 close cursor_1;
26* end;
SQL> /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.