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how to append values to a oracle type

how can I append (insert) 3 or 4 different values to an oracle type and then later open it up for a cursor.

For example (pseudo):

insert into mytype select 1 from dual;
insert into mytype select 3 from dual;
insert into mytype select 5 from dual;

open cursor_1 for select * from table(mytype);

Is this possible to do in pl/sql?

I know this is trivial and can be combined into one query but my real need is to have different queries and keep appending the results to mytype.


  • Assuming you mean you have a custom SQL type (presumably a nested table type), and a PL/SQL variable of that type: I don't believe you can INSERT into it, and I don't think you can SELECT into it in a way that would append to the collection.

    You can select into a scalar variable, then append it to the collection procedurally.

    SQL> create type mytype as table of integer;
      2  /
    Type created.
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> l
      1  declare
      2    mytable  mytype := mytype();
      3    cursor_1 sys_refcursor;
      4    x  integer;
      5    procedure append_to_table( t IN OUT mytype, y IN INTEGER)
      6      is
      7      begin
      8        t.extend();
      9        t(t.COUNT) := y;
     10      end append_to_table;
     11  begin
     12    select 1 into x from dual;
     13    append_to_table( mytable, x );
     14    select 3 into x from dual;
     15    append_to_table( mytable, x );
     16    select 5 into x from dual;
     17    append_to_table( mytable, x );
     18    open cursor_1 for select * from table(cast(mytable as mytype));
     19    fetch cursor_1 into x;
     20    dbms_output.put_line(x);
     21    fetch cursor_1 into x;
     22    dbms_output.put_line(x);
     23    fetch cursor_1 into x;
     24    dbms_output.put_line(x);
     25    close cursor_1;
     26* end;
    SQL> /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.