I'm building a very basic app using Grails 3.0.2.
I have a domain class called Unit which contains, among others, a field called season, whose type is Integer and represents a year.
I have used the command generate-views to generate the scaffolded views.
Once running the application, when an existing instance is shown, the season is displayed using "," as thousands separator, and I want to remove it.
What is the easiest way to override (only) the format of the season?
For testing purposes, I have modified the show.gsp of the Unit class in the following manner:
<f:with bean="unit">
<f:display />
<f:display property="season" />
The <f:display property="season" />
displays simply "1,975", but ignores the label.
I've tried to understand the documentation of the Fields plugin, but I do not achieve what I want so it's obvious that I do not understand it.
I have added _displayWidget.gsp
under views/_fields/unit/season
(I have also tried under views/unit/season
), but the outcome is exactly the same than before, so I assume the plugin is not taking them into account.
<g:formatNumber groupingUsed="false" number="${value}" />
I am not familiar with the _displayWidget.gsp
convention, but a simpler approach might be to override the display of the unit.season property by adding a _display.gsp
under views/_fields/unit/season
containing just the following: