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Unable to Extract .apk files from Bluestacks app player using adb

I'm trying to extract .apk files of my apps installed from blue stacks player using adb .I am successful in getting the .apk's of files that are present in the location "/system/app". Below is the command that i gave from my command line

 adb pull /system/app C:\xyz\ffff

However,When i am trying to get the .apk of the apps that are present in the location "/data/app" it says

"0 files pulled"

However,I'm pretty much sure it has got over 10 apps.

Any help would be highly helpful


  • 1.Download 'apkextractor' app from playstore and install it in your bluetack, This application can extract the applications installed in bluestack
    2.To access this .apk files you need any filemanager, And go to extractedApk directory
    3.To move apk files from bluestack to pc folder, Move the .apk files from 'extractedApk' to 'windows/pictures' folder

    This screenshot will help you

    enter image description here