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how to show forum page as default home page in moodle 2.8

i am working on moodle 2.8 and essential theme now i want to set my home page to show the forum topics . from frontpage.php in render folder i can see that they used get_setting funtion to render items but i cant find where and how to use this function to show the forum page in home page by the way i duplicated the code which renders the home page but i guess that my argomans are not true so this get setting is not working and now showing any thing ty in advance `

if ($showfrontcontent) { ?>
            <div class="frontpagecontent">
                echo $OUTPUT->get_setting('frontcontentarea', 'format_html');
                echo $OUTPUT->get_setting('mod_forum', 'format_html');
                echo $OUTPUT->essential_edit_button('theme_essential_frontpage');



  • An easy way to do this, and should be created as a default in Moodle in my humble opinion, is to create a centre region in the frontpage layout.

    Then when you add a block (with your forum topics code) to the front page, just move it to the centre region.

    Here is how to create the region :

    in /theme/themename/config.php add 'center-post' to regions for the frontpage.

     'frontpage' => array(
         'file' => 'default.php',
         'regions' => array('side-pre', 'side-post', 'center-post'),
         'defaultregion' => 'side-pre',
         'options' => array('langmenu'=>true),

    in /theme/themename/lang/en/theme_themename.php add a string for the region name

    $string['region-center-post'] = 'Center Bottom';

    in /theme/themename/layout/default.php add the $hasscenterpost line:

    $hassidepost = (empty($PAGE->layout_options['noblocks']) && $PAGE->blocks->region_has_content('side-post', $OUTPUT));
    // Add this line.
    $hascenterpost = (empty($PAGE->layout_options['noblocks']) && $PAGE->blocks->region_has_content('center-post', $OUTPUT));
    $haslogininfo = (empty($PAGE->layout_options['nologininfo']));

    Then after the region-content div, add the if ($hascenterpost) code:

    <div id="region-main">
        <div class="region-content">
            <?php echo $coursecontentheader; ?>
            <?php echo $OUTPUT->main_content() ?>
            <?php echo $coursecontentfooter; ?>
        <?php if ($hascenterpost) { ?>
            <div id="region-center-post" class="block-region">
                <div class="region-content">
                    <?php echo $OUTPUT->blocks_for_region('center-post'); ?>
        <?php } ?>

    You will probably need to increment the version number in /theme/themename/version.php too.