I am using Adobe Flash CS5.5 to develop flash air applications on Android. However, I just can't seem to get my phone visible to Flash.
I have a Samsung Galaxy GT-N7000 (Galaxy Note). I have rooted the phone with cyanogenmod 10.1.3-n7000. I have enabled "usb debugging" in the phone settings. I'm running this on Windows 7 Professional 32-bit.
When I connect my phone to the PC, I am able to see it as GT-N7000 under Device Manager -> Portable Devices heading. I am also able to copy files to/from this device without any issues.
The adb
version installed on my system in the flash installation folder is 1.0.26. When I try to run the flash animation on my phone, it can't seem to detect it. I get the error message
"Could not find an android device to connect to. Please ensure that you have the phone connected, the correct drivers installed, and the phone has USB device debugging enabled".
I'm at a loss for how to install the usb driver, as mine is a galaxy note, but is using cyanogenmod
. I couldn't find the SDK
manager in the flash installation folder, but ran the SDK
manager from the android-sdk
folder which I have parallel installed for developing android applications using Android Studio. I installed the Google USB drivers from that location. I'm not sure if this will help Flash detect the phone.
I have also tried using the usb connection mode as MTP, PTP, as well as mass storage. But no difference.
What else could be the issue? Any pointers? Please excuse me if any details are missing. I'll add them as they are pointed out.
UPDATE: Found a similar query at Android Device Connectivity in Adobe Flash Pro CS6 Win7 x64.. However, doesn't work for me! :(
Workaround (well, sort of!):I am able to copy the .apk
file to the phone memory, and then install it. I had to enable "Unknown Sources- Allow installation of apps from unknown sources". However, I am still not able to publish directly to the phone, nor am I able to debug it from Flash.
Solved it! Since Flash connectivity didn't seem to be working, I thought it better to see if I can at least make Android Studio work with my phone. Tried all the stuff possible, including using the SDK Manager to install the Google USB Driver. Nothing worked.
Since my phone IS a GT-N7000, but with CyanogenMod, I thought that the Samsung USB driver wouldn't work for it.
Finally, after trying a lot with all the other methods, I did the simplest thing possible. Found the Samsung GT-N7000 usb driver (downloaded from the mirror link in this XDA forum post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1755001), installed it, and EVERYTHING started working! Flash, Android Studio, etc!
For those who don't want to download just the drivers, or are hesitant to download from unverified links, you can download and Install Samsung Kies, and it'll do the required installation of correct driver!
Duh! Sometimes, the simplest things are the only steps required!