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Oracle SQL Injection, select user from dual is not working

I am learning about SQL injection. There is a regular statement that reads:

"select * from users where username = '" + getUsername() + "'" + " and " + "upassword = " + "'" + getPassword() + "'";

From what I have learnt, it is possible to perform a SQL injection attack by providing this password:

a' or '1' = '1

I will get all table entries from the database. But when I attempted to provide a user name as following:

' or select user from dual where '1' = '1'--

I got nothing in return. My understanding is with my username input as above, the regular statement would become:

select * from users where username = '' or select user from dual where '1' = '1'--

This should give me the current user. May I ask what has gone wrong here?


I managed to get it to work by modifying it a bit:

' union select * from users--

Now I got a whole list of username from the database.



  • or select user from dual is not a literal string rather it seems you are trying to pass in another query. If you want to pass a string literal then quote it using single quote.