I'm trying to write a basic function to take an integer and evaluate to a bool that will check whether the integer is a prime or not.
I've used an auxiliary function to keep track of the current divisor I'm testing, like so:
fun is_divisible(n : int, currentDivisor : int) =
if currentDivisor <= n - 1 then
n mod currentDivisor = 0 orelse is_divisible(n, currentDivisor + 1)
fun is_prime(n : int) : bool =
if n = 2 then
not(is_divisible(n, 2));
It looks right to me but I test it on 9 and get false and then on 11 and get false as well.
Sorry for all the questions today and thanks!
The problem is that if your is_divisible
reaches the last case it should return false
because it means that all the iterated divisors have resulted in a remainder larger than zero except for the last one which is the number it self. So you should rename is_divisible
and return false
instead of true