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Transform SQL insert script into CSV format

I'm looking for an awk command, or similar tool, to transform standard well formatted SQL insert script into csv file.
By standard I mean there is no database vendor specific stuff anywhere.
By well formatted I mean the case where each line of the sql script has a full column set to insert, even if there are NULLs. Also the order of fields to insert is the same.
Sample input SQL script:

INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (1, 'asd', 923123123, 'zx');
INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (1, NULL, 923123123, 'zxz');
INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (3, 'asd3', 923123123, NULL);


INSERT INTO tbl (colA, colB, colC, colD) VALUES (1, 'asd', 923123123, 'zx');

Expected output should be a csv file:


Looking for a performance efficient solution.


  • $ awk -F' *[(),]+ *' -v OFS=, '{for (i=2;i<NF;i++) printf "%s%s", ($i=="NULL"?"":$i), (i<(NF-1)?OFS:ORS)}' file

    I'd recommend you test all potential solutions with this input:

    $ cat file
    INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (1, NULL, 923123123, 'foo NULL bar');
    $ awk -F' *[(),]+ *' -v OFS=, '{for (i=2;i<NF;i++) printf "%s%s", ($i=="NULL"?"":$i), (i<(NF-1)?OFS:ORS)}' file
    1,,923123123,'foo NULL bar'

    to make sure the string NULL and blank chars are not deleted when they appear as part of a literal string.