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How to implement "less" on derived types without dynamic_cast?

I want to implement a "less"-type operation on the following classes:

class Base {
    virtual int type() const = 0;
    int b;

class Derived1 : public Base{
    virtual int type() const { return 1; }
    int d1; 

class Derived2 : public Base{
    virtual int type() const { return 2; }
    int d2;

where o1 < o2 if its type is smaller and if the types are equal then the elements are compared (first b then d1 or d2).

Note that there are other operations (eg. equals) with similar problem structure.

How can I do this without using dynamic_cast?


  • You don't need dynamic_cast nor type. For that matter, no public members at all, either.

    class Base {
      virtual bool less( Base const & rhs ) const {
        return false;
      int b;
      friend bool operator < ( Base const & lhs, Base const & rhs ) {
        std::type_info const & ltype = typeid (lhs);
        std::type_info const & rtype = typeid (rhs);
        if ( ltype == rtype ) {
          if ( lhs.b < rhs.b ) return true;
          if ( rhs.b < lhs.b ) return false;
          return lhs.less( rhs ); // Dynamic types of lhs and rhs already match.
        return ltype.before( rtype );
    class Derived1 : public Base{
      virtual bool less( Base const & rhs_base ) const {
        // Since rhs_base is known to be of this type, use static_cast.
        Derived1 const & rhs = static_cast< Derived1 const & >( rhs_base );
        return d1 < rhs.d1;
      int d1; 
    // Same for Derived2
 (Includes tests)