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Reading a sequence of integer in a line with unknown bound in fortran

I would like to read a sequence of integer in a line with unknown bound in FORTRAN. My question is similar to the following previous post,

Reading a file of lists of integers in Fortran

however I want to read a sequence of unknown numbers of integer in a line and save it in separate arrays. And successive lines of integer should be saved to some other array

My file looks like this
5 7 8 9 10 13            # should be stored  f(1)(6) arrays
93 102 92                # c(1)(3)
105 107 110 145 147 112  # f(2)(6)
97 98                    # b(1)(2)
12 54 55                 # c(2)(3)
15 17 21 23 45           # e(1)(5)
43 47 48 51 62           # d(1)(4)

Thus I have a sequence of integers with maximum length of 6 (to be stored in f array) and minimum length of 2(to be stored in b array). I have hundreds of lines like this, such that I need to classify according to the maximum length and count on them.

Reading a file of lists of integers in Fortran


  • There are probably many ways to do this, and the following is one such example. Here, the split() makes multiple trials for list-directed input for all values in the line, until non-numeric characters or the end of line is encountered.

    subroutine split( line, vals, n )
        implicit none
        character(*), intent(in) :: line
        real*8  :: vals(*), buf( 100 )  !! currently up to 100 items (for test)
        integer :: n
        n = 1
            read( line, *, end=100, err=100 ) buf( 1 : n )   !! (See Appendix for why buf is used here)
            vals( 1:n ) = buf( 1:n )
            n = n + 1
    100 continue
        n = n - 1
    program main
        implicit none
        character(200) :: line
        real*8  :: vals( 100 )
        integer :: n
        open( 10, file="test.dat", status="old" )
            read( 10, "(a)", end=500 ) line
            call split( line, vals, n )
            if ( n == 0 ) then
                print *, "comment line"
                print *, nint( vals( 1 : n ) )
    500 continue
        close( 10 )

    If test.dat contains the whole lines in the Question, plus the following lines

    # additional data
    1,2,3 , 4 , 5            # comma-separated integers
    1.23e2  -4.56e2 , 777    # integer/floating-point mixed case

    it gives

    comment line
    5 7 8 9 10 13
    93 102 92
    105 107 110 145 147 112
    97 98
    12 54 55
    15 17 21 23 45
    43 47 48 51 62
    comment line
    1 2 3 4 5
    123 -456 777

    So one can save the result for each line by copying the values in vals(1:n) to a desired array.

    [ Appendix (thanks to @francescalus) ] In the above code, the data are read once into buf(1:n) and then copied to vals(1:n). One might think that it would be more direct to read in the data into vals(1:n) such that

    read( line, *, end=100, err=100 ) vals( 1 : n )

    However, this direct approach is not recommended because vals(1:n) becomes undefined when the read statement hits the "end" or "err" condition. Although ifort and gfortran seem to retain the data in vals(1:n) even when that condition is met (and so they work even with the direct approach), the same behavior cannot be guaranteed for other compilers. In contrast, the buffer approach avoids this risk by saving the data one step before to vals(1:n), so that undefined data are not used. This is why the buffer approach is used in the above code despite it is one statement longer.