RESTful routing in Python does not seem to work. For instance,
# Setup a mapper
from routes import Mapper
map = Mapper()
map.connect("add user", "/user", controller = "addUser", action = "add",
map.connect("post user", "/user", controller = "postUser", action = "post",
map.connect("update user", "/user/{id}", controller = "updateUser", action = "update",
map.connect("put user", "/user/{id}", controller = "putUser", action = "put",
map.connect("delete user", "/user/{id}", controller = "deleteUser", action = "delete",
map.connect("home", "/", controller = "main", action = "index", conditions=dict(method=["GET"]))
# This is our application object. It could have any name,
# except when using mod_wsgi where it must be "application"
def application(environ, start_response):
# Get the request uri.
uri = environ.get('PATH_INFO', '')
req = uri if uri else '/'
# Match a URL, returns a dict or None if no match
mapped = map.match(req)
print mapped
# Everything done, return the response:
if mapped['action'] == 'index' :
response_body = index(environ, start_response, mapped)
elif mapped['action'] == 'add':
response_body = add(environ, start_response, mapped)
elif mapped['action'] == 'put':
response_body = put(environ, start_response, mapped)
elif mapped['action'] == 'delete':
response_body = delete(environ, start_response, mapped)
response_body = "Not exist."
status = '200 OK'
response_headers = [('Content-Type', 'text/html'),
('Content-Length', str(len(response_body)))]
start_response(status, response_headers)
return [response_body]
It does not care the REST method whether is PUT, DELETE, or POST. It only looks for the match of /user/{id}
in my url.
So when I send a DELETE method with
I always get {'action': u'update', 'controller': u'updateUser', 'id': u'1'}
which is the GET from map.connect("update user", "/user/{id}", controller = "updateUser", action = "update", conditions=dict(method=["GET"]))
Any ideas what have I done wrong?
Apache config file,
LoadModule wsgi_module modules/
DocumentRoot "${path}/data/localweb"
<Directory "${path}/data/localweb">
Options FollowSymLinks Indexes ExecCGI
AllowOverride All
Order deny,allow
Allow from
Deny from all
Require all granted
WSGIScriptAlias / C:\...\wsgi\route\basic\
btw, in my Apache error log, I always get this wsgi:error
warning with the printed result,
[Sat Aug 15 16:03:41.871541 2015] [wsgi:error] [pid 7068:tid 836] {'action': u'update', 'controller': u'updateUser', 'id': u'1'}
I think this might be the answer from which is quite similar to what I am doing,
map.connect("add user", "/user", controller = "addUser", action = "add",
map.environ = {'REQUEST_METHOD':'DELETE'}
The problem is that I have to add DELETE or PUT manually which is not ideal at all as it cannot be dynamic.
Found the answer!
request_method = environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD', '')
map.environ = {'REQUEST_METHOD': request_method}