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MYSQL Update from a select subquery

The data in the Response column is = blahblahblahTYPE=ERRORblahblah. I then run the query below to just target the 'ERROR' string.

SELECT substr(Response, instr(Response, 'ERROR'), 5) 
  FROM table 
  WHERE id = 721451 
    AND Status = 'false' 
    AND Response LIKE '%<status>Unknown</status>%' 
    AND date >= curdate();

The query above returns: ERROR.

I basically want to update ERROR to SUCCESS without editing the rest of the data.

Would the query below work? Is there a better way to do this?

UPDATE table 
  SET Response = 'SUCCESS' 
    SELECT substr(Response, instr(Response, 'ERROR'), 5) 
      FROM table 
      WHERE id = 721451 
        AND Status = 'false' 
        AND Response LIKE '%<status>Unknown</status>%' 
        AND date >= curdate()

Thanks for your help in advance!


  • UPDATE table 
      SET Response = REPLACE(Response, 'ERROR', 'SUCCESS')
       WHERE id = 721451 
         AND Status = 'false' 
         AND Response LIKE '%<status>Unknown</status>%' 
         AND date >= curdate();
