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Rethinkdb replication and data consistency

What happens when one of the replicas dies temporary/permanently and how does it relate with data consistency?

For example let's consider this situation: I made an update of a document inside fruits table, rethinkdb answered me with ok and then immediately meteor hits this database

But luckily I had a cluster configured with the following requirements met:

But it looks like in this scenario I lose this one particular update and probably something else that has not been replicated yet, while application still thinks the data is reliably saved...

I'm not quite understand how I should design my application in order to make it tolerant to such behavior, it seems to be incredible complex

What is a common practice? Any advice?



  • RethinkDB doesn't acknowledge a write before it has propagated to a majority of the table's replicas. So unless more than one server fail at the same time (assuming you have 3 replicas overall), you will never lose a write that has been confirmed.

    The only exception is if you explicitly set the write_acks on the table to "single". You can find more details of this setting and its consequences in