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Custom SKPhysicsJoint Subclass

I'm currently working with SKPhysicsJointSpring to connect a number of nodes together. I'd like to be able to specify the force using a logarithmic formula, rather than Hooke's law.

Is there a way for me to subclass SKPhysicsJoint to provide my own force calculations? Or must I implement this manually in update(..)?

Many thanks,


  • You have to implement it “manually in update”, or some other way. SKPhysicsJoint and its apparent subclasses aren't even real. Try printing one:

    :; xcrun swift -framework SpriteKit
    "crashlog" and "save_crashlog" command installed, use the "--help" option for detailed help
    Welcome to Apple Swift version 2.0 (700.0.52.1 700.0.65). Type :help for assistance.
      1> import SpriteKit
      2> print(SKPhysicsJoint())
    <PKPhysicsJoint: 0x1029006b0>
      3> print(SKPhysicsJointSpring())
    <PKPhysicsJointDistance: 0x102800530>

    You actually get instances of classes from the private PhysicsKit framework, and you can't subclass those classes.