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Error in calling one make target from another

$make --- Will have normal build

$make CAdvisor Above will do following steps:

1) Update variable CC, now it should become "cadvise -pdb mypdb +wlint +wall aCC"

2) Run all with updated CC option

CC = aCC
CFLAGS  = -c #-Wall
EXECUTABLE = observer
RM=rm -rf
CADVISE_OPTS= -pdb mypdb +wlint
CADVISE= /opt/cadvise/bin/cadvise

.PHONY : CAdvisor update_cc clean all

    $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) -o $@
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@


update_cc: CC := ${$(CADVISE) $(CADVISE_OPTS) $(CC)}

CAdvisor: update_cc all;
    @echo DEBD $(CC)

Now above code is giving me error:

**$ make CAdvisor
Make: Don't know how to make CC.  Stop.



  • Sorry, but that's not how target-specific variables work. Target-specific variables are scoped to their target and any prerequisite built as a result of building that target. It's not the case that the target-specific setting changes the value of the global variable for the rest of the recipes expanded by make.

    In your example, all is not a prerequisite of update_cc, it's a sibling. So, target-specific variables that are set for update_cc have no impact on the all target.

    Second, using ${$(CADVISE) $(CADVISE_OPTS) $(CC)} is definitely not right: the inside will be expanded first then because the entire thing is enclosed in ${...} it will be treated as a variable name, and that variable (which clearly doesn't exist) will be looked up, resulting in an empty string.

    I don't know why you have added the extra target update_cc at all; why not just set the target-specific variable on the CAdvisor target?

    CAdvisor: CC := $(CADVISE) $(CADVISE_OPTS) $(CC)
    CAdvisor: all
            @echo DEBD $(CC)