In our solr schema file, we are defining enum field types and specifying an external enums.xml file in the enumConfig parameter.
However, we have to manually copy that file to the /conf directory of the search index we’re creating or updating.
Is there a way to do it programmatically using the riak java client? The Yokozuna index classes in the API don’t seem to support external file loading so it complains that it can't find the enums.xml file in the path. We want to be able to update the schema programmatically and point to the enums.xml file so that we can update the search index without having to copy the enums.xml file manually to the /conf directory.
There is currently no functionality in the API accessible via the Java client that would allow you to upload an external file like enums.xml. For now you would have to manually copy the file to each node in your cluster.