I am creating a Reddit app for practice that uses GSON objects created from getting the Reddit JSON file. For the comments each comment item has replies which are made of more comment items. I am trying to figure out the best way to display these that it makes logical sense what is a replay to what. I thought maybe having a list with a custom adapter, and for each of those items they have a listview that has the next level of comments and so on. To keep things from getting squished I thought maybe I only go so many items deep and only display comments above a threshold of up votes. Has anyone ever done something similair to this and if so what is a good way to go about it.
You can use this library AndroidTreeView, but I'm not sure if this is good solution from UX point of view. Personally I prefer to use single ListView
and load new fragment with underlying list of data. BreadCrumbs may be a good addition to that practice to indicate comments level.