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Cognos Report Studio Text box prompt not function proporly

I use conditional block to show different text box prompt when user choose different filter in my first prompt page. Now, I set the text box with same setting(no required, multi-select:yes, multi-line:yes, other are no) and similar filter script in my queries. However, when I run the report, I can't get the same output. My first text box miss right half of text space. How can I fix it? Thanks! Click here for the first screen shot. Click here for the second screen shot.


  • A sample report spec would be helpful but based on the screen shot, one of two things is happening:

    1. The first prompt does not actually have the multi-select option set.


    1. The filter item in the actual query that the first prompt is populating is not multi-select friendly.

    An example of #2 would be if you tried to set enable multi-select values but then the filter it is populating into is set to something like:

    [table].[field] = ?firstPrompt?

    Instead of:

    [table].[field] in (?firstPrompt?)

    If this isn't the case, definitely edit in a simple sample report specification so we can see more of what you're doing.