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F# Friend function/class

Is it possible to implement friend function and friend class (as in c++) in F#?

Update: Since there is no friend function/class in f#, and friend is not even a reserved keyword for future expansion, I'm wondering is there any problems with the friend mechanism in F# that make the developers to decide not to implement it? (such as in "protected" access modifier).

Suggestion 1: Brian, signature file - I don't think that this thing work properly. If you have a closure (e.g. lambda expression in A, which is a different object than the instance of A) that evaluate B.X , it's won't work

Suggestion 2: Massif (+Mitya0), InternalsVisibleTo - It's not clear to me, Are you writing this in the second class or it expose the class to the entire assembly?


  • Note that you can use signature files to mimic friend.

    If you want A to be a friend of B, so A can access internals of B that others cannot see, you can do e.g.

    // File1.fs
    type B() =
        let x = 42  // private field
        member this.X = x // public getter
    type A() =
        member this.PeekInto(b : B) =

    but also have

    // File1.fsi
    type B = 
        new : unit -> B
        // do not expose X in the signature
    type A = 
        new : unit -> A
        PeekInto : B -> int

    and now A's implementation can see B.X but the sequel of the program cannot see B.X.

    Signature files are pretty awesome for creating arbitrary encapsulation boundaries.