I'm tring to use system object for my generated matlab code (.mex)
here is the function.
function [ ] = filereaderTest( videofile )
fileReader = vision.VideoFileReader(videofile);
while ~isDone(fileReader)
% do something
when I try codegen filereaderTest -args videofile , error occurs. It says "fail to compute constant value for constructor arguement #1. To generate code, all argument for System Object constructor should be constant. ..."
To use VideoFileReader, must pass file name to its constructor. So, here is my question: there is any way to use this function to any files? for example:
filereaderTest.mex(video2); % video1 and video2 are different
What you are trying to do is not possible. The documentation states clearly:
Set arguments to System object™ constructors as compile-time constants. (1)