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How can I color Mercurial branches based on their names?

I want to distinguish feature/stage/release branches by color. I have a branch naming convention.

Is there a way to color branch names in the output of hg branches according to some regexp-based rules?

Is there a better way to do this other than writing a custom script and creating an alias for it?

By the way, there is a question and a great answer on how to do this in git


  • By default, Mercurial's standard color extension only allows colorization based on branch status. E.g.:

    [color] = none
    branches.closed = black bold
    branches.current = green
    branches.inactive = none

    (Taken from hg help color.)

    In order to specify colors based on regular expressions, you'll need a script and (for convenience) an alias. The following is in Ruby, because Ruby's case statement makes it fairly easy to do selection by regular expression.

    class String
      def colorize(code) "\033[#{code}m#{self}\033[0m" end
      def colorize_bold(code) "\033[#{code};1m#{self}\033[0m" end
      def black() colorize(30) end
      def red() colorize(31) end
      def green() colorize(32) end
      def yellow() colorize(33) end
      def blue() colorize(34) end 
      def magenta() colorize(35) end
      def cyan() colorize(36) end
      def white() colorize(37) end
      def gray() colorize_bold(30) end
      def bold_red() colorize_bold(31) end
      def bold_green() colorize_bold(32) end
      def bold_yellow() colorize_bold(33) end
      def bold_blue() colorize_bold(34) end 
      def bold_magenta() colorize_bold(35) end
      def bold_cyan() colorize_bold(36) end
      def bold_white() colorize_bold(37) end
    for line in ARGF do
      case line
      when /^foo/
        print line.bold_magenta
      when /^bar/
        print line.yellow
        print line.gray

    You can also use the colorize gem if you already have it installed.

    You can then add this as an alias to your .hgrc. For example, if the above script resides in /path/to/color-branches.rb, do:

    colorbranches = !$HG branches $@ | ruby /path/to/color-branches.rb