I'm trying to use regular expressions to catch a link, but can not. I have all the links, but there are many links that do not want.
What I do is to grab all links:
To comply with this pattern.
I put the script I'm doing:
use warnings;
use strict;
use WWW::Mechanize;
use WWW::Mechanize::Sleepy;
my $Explorador =
agent =>
'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624',
sleep => '5..20'
#Proceed to access the URL to find all the links in emails
#If you want debug DOM Document.
#print $Explorador->content();
my @links = $Explorador->links;
foreach my $link (@links) {
# Retrieve the link URL like:
# http://valeptr.com/scripts/runner.php?IM=0cdb7d48110375.
my $href = $link->url;
foreach my $s ($href) { #Aqui la expresión regular
my @links = $s =~ qr{
foreach (@links) {
print "\n",$_;
PS: I guess this regular expression will be more than seen but not seen. If so am coming back to put a post with the same.
There is a heap of links and I need cojer the links that expire with the boss:
Http: // valeptr.com/scripts/runner.php?IM=
For it in the line 19 I have to apply an expression regulate.
This variable my @links=$Explorador->links; he returns all the links that exist.
But I want cojer only the link that I have put above.
Why not get WWW::Mechanize
to do the work for you, especially when it can filter out the links for you via a supplied regex?
my @wanted_links = $Explorador->find_all_links (
url_regex => qr{scripts/runner\.php\?IM=}
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