There is already a topic there showing how to count the number of times a instance method is called within the program: Count the number of times a method is called in Cocoa-Touch?
The code described there is working well with an instance method, but it isn't working with a class method. Somebody knows how to do ?
Just use a static int
static int count = 0;
//your code
Edit: This is pretty stupid now I think of it since you can't retrieve the count from outside the method.
Still you can log it or send the value with a notification or any other way...
Edit 2:
Or you could use another class method to store your counter:
static int count = 0;
if (increment)
count ++;
return count;
[MyClass countAfterIncrement:YES];
//your code
To retrieve the value just use [MyClass countAfterIncrement:NO];