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Dynamic pipe model in Modelica Standard Library

The Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.DynamicPipe model looks very convenient. It is like an "all in one" model. But I don't see any info about the convection heat transfer between the pipe and the fluid inside.

Is the model taking heat convection into account?

I am trying to model a heat exchanger made by a bundle of pipes. That's why it is important to incorporate the convection from both sides of the pipe.

Is it a better idea to use the Modelica.Thermal.Components.ThermalConductor model with combination with two convection models?

Thanks in advance.


  • DynamicPipe offers three different models for convective heat transfer. You select which one to use on the second parameter tab Assumption with the dropdown parameter HeatTransfer. (use_HeatTransfer must be set to true).

    The models are the following:

    IdealHeatTransfer: the temperature(s) on the heat_port is equal to the bulk temperature(s) in the fluid, i.e. no convective heat transfer in the fluid.

    ConstantHeatTransfer: The temperature(s) on the heat_port are given by the relation Q_flow = h*A(heat_port.T - fluid.T) where the convective heat transfer coefficient h is constant (set h by clicking on the table icon next to the drop down).

    LocalPipeFlowHeatTransfer: same relation as above, but is flow dependent. h is calucated as a function of geometry and fluid properties, i.e. h=f(Re,Pr)

    You could choose to implement you own heat transfer correlation, by writing a model that extends from PartialHeatTransfer or PartialFlowHeatTransfer.

    Regards, Rene Just Nielsen

    Note: If you need a model of the wall separating the two fluids in you heat exchanger, you could use Modelica.Fluid.Examples.HeatExchanger.BaseClasses.WallConstProps