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how to perform unit testing jersey webservice

Actully I am trying to test my Jersey web service with the jersey test framework. the web server I am using is Websphere 7 and java version 6. This is my project requirement I cannot upgrade the java version .

My issue is how to build the unit test for my web service . I want to test them on WebSphere but I am not sure how do I setup the environment for unit testing like junit .

more specifically I just need to call an URL from the test class and check the response. But how to call the URL from the test class on the websphere I am not getting direction for it.


  • Have a look at the documentation for Jersey Test Framework.

    First thing you need is one of the Supported Containers dependencies. Any of those will pull in the core framework e.g.


    Then you need a test class that extends JerseyTest. You can override Application configure() to provide a ResourceConfig as well as any other providers or properties. For example

    public class TestResource {
        public String get() { return "hello"; }
    public class TestResourceTest extends JerseyTest {
        public Application configure() {
            ResourceConfig config = new ResourceConfig();
        public void doTest() {
            Response response = target("test").request().get();
            assertEquals(200, response.getStatus());
            assertEquals("hello", response.readEntity(String.class));

    You should visit the link provided to learn more and see more examples.